How well do you know private label?

In today’s market, where competition is often harsh and standing out is important, the private label concept may be an avenue to pursue and to evaluate.

The term ‘private label‘ refers to the practice whereby a manufacturer creates a product and markets it under the brand name of a retailer or private label, rather than under its own name. In essence, the brand becomes the emblem of a unique and personalised identity, even if production is managed by a third party.


The beating heart of customisation

At the heart of private labels is customisation. This practice offers customers and brands the opportunity to mould a product according to their needs and visions.

Fabo is one of the companies in Italy able to produce a customised PL line.


How does it usually work?

We work together with the customer, trying to choose the product range in line with our production requirements and the demands made on us. It is important to take many factors into account when developing a private label: the goal is always production efficiency, so it is important for us to properly evaluate the products we already have available to customise together with the packaging study. To do this we provide all our know-how gained over 50 years in the market.

Our support is provided from the choice of the range through to the final packaging and wrapping. We have an in-house graphics department that develops the graphics and packs according to brand input. We can advise which design may be most suitable for printing and which type of print and colours to use.


Private label packaging and wrapping

Packaging is also crucial when it comes to PL because depending on the delivery, the minimum pieces to be contained and also the labels to be affixed must be studied correctly. Finally, we can supply the product in counter and endcap pallet boxes to organise promotions or give your product special visibility.


In summary, private label development goes far beyond simply putting a brand name on a product. It is an experience, as we said, of personalisation and standing out.

Of course, for a product like ours, a preliminary feasibility study is essential, which places the required quantities, production efficiency and logistics at the centre of the analysis. These 3 factors strongly influence the production of a private label and make the difference for the choice of a product range.




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