FABO and SPAM Concept together to train photographers of the Italian Institute of Photography

The collaboration project between FABO and the communication agency SPAM Concept in support of the educational offer of the Italian Institute of Photography – IIF led by Maurizio Cavalli starts in these weeks. The young aspiring photographers who attend the first two years of the prestigious IIF were called to work on a brief with the aim of creating an advertising campaign to communicate one of Fabo’s flagship products: gummed paper, a highly sustainable and recyclable product.

The students of the 2nd year of the IIF two-year course will develop their creative ideas, and just as in the agency, they will discuss them with the creative director – Federico Mirarchi, SPAM Concept founder and Creative Manager – and then move on to the execution and actual photographic production, which will be carried out with all the credentials of professionalism.

FABO will award the first 3 campaigns that the company will select from among all the entries for relevance to the brief, creativity and creation of the shot.


Over 60 IIF students are already working enthusiastically on the FABO project.

Federico Mirarchi, Creative Manager of the agency, comments on the collaboration:

“For over 10 years we have been collaborating with IIF, contributing to courses that  are becoming increasingly structured from one year to the next and are aimed at training young photographers to make them professionals even before entering the world of work.  This year we have chosen FABO, the international leader for adhesive tapes, as we have identified their potential in creative terms. I am sure that the students will have fun and will produce work that the Customer will appreciate and that they will be proud to include in their portfolio”.

Best of luck from Fabo to all IIF students who will compete in this challenge! Stay tuned!!


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