Legal Notes

Legal notes


Legal conditions regarding the Website

This document contains the legal conditions for access and use of the FABO S.p.a. website. By accessing the Website, using it or the materials contained therein, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out below.

1. Ownership of the Website

This Website is owned by the Company FABO S.p.a., with registered office in Via Cecinese, 84 – 51036 Larciano (PT) Italy.

2. Copyright and Trademark rights

This Website is protected by copyright as a single and/or composite and/or collective work pursuant to Italian and European Union law relating to copyright, international conventions and other laws relating to copyright. Any unauthorised use of the materials contained in this Website is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
The Website may contain documents, images, software, information and other materials belonging to third parties, such as photographs, advertising, film clips and music. Any unauthorised use of the materials contained in this website is strictly prohibited, unless prior written consent has been obtained from the owner of the material in question.

3. Use and access to the website

The content and material on the website are intended for personal, non-commercial use only.
Users may download or copy the Contents – or other materials subject to downloading – displayed on this Website solely for their own personal, non-commercial use, on the condition that they acknowledge that the materials covered by Copyright are protected and that they undertake to respect all the copyrights and other rights contained in this Website. Copying or storing of any of the contents for uses which are not personal and non-commercial is strictly prohibited, unless prior written consent has been obtained from FABO S.p.a.
FABO S.p.a. may modify, cancel or suspend any or all of the features of the Website at any point in time, including the availability of any or all of the portions of the Website, as well as the functions and the database of the Website. FABO S.p.a. may also correct any errors or omissions in any portion of the Website, or stipulate limitations on specific functions and services, or limit the access of users to all or a portion of the Website without any need for notification and without any ensuing liability.



1. Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability

The user agrees to use the Website at their own risk. This site is provided “as is”. FABO S.p.a. refuses to give any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) the warranties of accuracy, reliability, ownership, non infringement, suitability for specific purposes or any other guarantee, condition, assurance or declaration, either oral, written or in electronic form, including (but not limited to), any guarantee on the accuracy or the completeness of any information contained in the Website or provided by the Website itself.
The Company FABO S.p.a. does not declare or guarantee that access to the Website shall not be interrupted or that the Website does not contain malfunctions, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information or that viruses shall not be transmitted on the website.
The Company FABO S.p.a. cannot be held liable by site users or any third parties for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages allegedly sustained arising out of or lack of access to the website, including the case of viruses presumably received from the website, the use of or reliance on the website or on any information or material available on the website.

2. Applicable laws and jurisdiction

The user acknowledges and agrees, for all relevant purposes, that any disputes which should arise from the access and/or use of the Website shall be subject to Italian law, and shall fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of an Italian Court.

3. Privacy Policy

Your name will be entered in the Databases of the company FABO S.p.a. in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 on the protection of personal data (Privacy Law) exclusively for accounting, tax, administrative and commercial purposes. It will be possible to request the updating or cancellation of data at any time to the Company’s data manager.

4. Amendments

The preceding agreements may be modified by the Company FABO S.p.a. from time to time; notifications of any revisions to these agreements will be announced on this page. The continued use of the Website by the user will amount to acceptance by the user of such changes or revisions of these agreements; for this reason, we advise the user to visit this page regularly.


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