IIF-SPAM concept contest: the winners

The collaboration project between Fabo and the communication agency SPAM concept, set up to support the didactic offer of Istituto Italiano di Fotografia – IIF led by Maurizio Cavalli, advertising photographer, founder and didactic director of the institute since 1992, has come to an end after 3 months.

The participants, aspiring photographers enrolled in the 2nd year of IIF’s prestigious two-year course, were asked to create an advertising campaign that would fully express the essence of gummed paper, a sustainable and recyclable product in which the company is making significant investments.

The entries were carefully judged and selected, considering their relevance to the brief, the creativity and the execution of the shot by the young photographer, resulting in the definition of the 3 winners:

1- Nicola De Leo

2- Alice Castelli

3- Davide Santillo

The 3 winners will have the opportunity to collaborate on projects related to corporate communication.

In view of the high quality of the projects executed and the effort put in, 7 other participants were also given the opportunity to have their shots published on the company’s social channels.

Fabo would like to thank the institute and the students who, with the support of the creative director Federico Mirarchi, created images that are surprising in their sensitivity and ability to represent the values of the company and the product.






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